Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Ok, ok, ok. I realize that my site sucks. "Why?" you might ask. Well, because I don't really know what I am doing. I am going to have to get Aaron's help. He linked to my site, so that means that I now HAVE to make mine something worthwile to read. That could be difficult. And I want pictures and stuff, but once more...I am not the most in tune with making webpages, so I will need help there too. But once I get my site up and running full speed, there will be poems (by me and others), pictures (of me and others), and photoshop type pictures (by me and others). So, you will just have to deal with my boring site of blue backgrounds and very little to do. I don't even have any links. I can tell you to visit Aaron's site It's really good, I swear. Allot better than mine at least. So check back in a while and maybe there will be cool things going down here. That's all for now. Enjoy.

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