Monday, January 24, 2005

The Triumphant Return of Mega

I'm not dead. So you don't have to worry. Really. Cancel the milkcarton ads (but I did want to thank you for choosing a flattering picture of me), take down the lost signs stapled to the telephone polls, and stop wondering around late at night calling my name in hopes to hear the jingle of my pocketwatch as I come running back.

Life's been hectic. I'm still at *bucks, I'm getting ready to start my last semester of undergrad college, I'm still editing crappy films, and I'm still eating too little.

I've seen Darkness (utter garbage), White Noise (not as bad as everyone said), The Life Aquatic (eh...), Love Me If You Dare (actually not a chick flick and really good), and the first three episodes of Alias season 4 (oh, Alias my love).

I'm working on a concept commercial for a big company and if anyone finds out what the product is my friend will get fired.

So yes....that's really all I have to say. Hopefully I will come back to my sadly neglected website here and write more often. Don't worry my semi-abandoned website friends, I will nurture you will words and anecdotes from my life which isn't quite as interesting as I often make it seem once again.

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