Wednesday, March 08, 2006

...but Friday I'm in love...

So a week or so ago Aro, Keika and I went to Friday's after we went bowling. At the end of the meal I thought it would be funny to leave our waitress a note. The note was scrawled on a napkin and went something like this:

We love you
please call us


(ask for Ed)

(no, really)


A couple days later Aro walks into his house and Ed asks him, "Hey, did I go to Friday's recently?" Ends up she actually called and asked for Ed. When she said, "Remember? You were at my table?" Ed simply replied, "" At this point Aro and I felt really bad for the poor waitress because, well, despite it being really funny that she actually called, it was probably funnier for us.

Aro, being the nice guy that he is, called her back and they had a little chat. He apologized on all our behalf and she said she wasn't mad or anything.

Tonight we went back to Friday's and asked to be seated in her section. She walked up to take our order, got halfway through "Hi guys is there anything..." and then blushed and sort of stumbled through the rest of her greeting. We asked if she remembered us and she said yes. Apparently her co-workers were daring her to call and that's why she did it. She found it funny and we felt we had redeemed ourselves. She even joked about it and brought the check and said, "I gave YOU guys a number this time", and showed us a number to call to do a survey. Obviously we had to leave her another note. It went something like this:

Thanks for the number!
Now we're even!
You're the best waitress in the world!

Then we drew stick figures with our names above them and hearts all around us and a stick figure of her holding a drink tray.

It's amazing I haven't ended up in jail because of my friends.


In other news I got back from the gym the other day and I looked in the mirror and this is what I saw:

Apparently I sweat in shapes such as "bunny rabbit."

Keep an eye out for our next rorschach-sweat test!

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