Friday, January 12, 2007

The Arbitrariness of New Years and Other Seemingly Made Up Words

Before we begin, it seems that nobody likes my new Caption Contest idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the post below. Then follow the instructions. I've only had one submission so far, which hardly equates to a rousing competition full of intrigue and ninjas and stuff. Come on people.

Now...every year I recount my last years resolutions and see how I stacked up. It seems that last year I was a wee bit over exuberant in my predictions. That or I can pretend that my resolutions were actually for TWO years (giving me till the end of 2007). I don't like embracing my own failures, so I'll go with the latter option. Here's the list:

Grant's 2006 Resolutions

-go skydiving
--This is actually going to happen THIS year on Chad's 30th birthday. I'll make like Nostradamus and pretend I was foretelling my future one year in advance.

-read the 15 books of my collection that I have yet to read
--Yeah. Wow. I think I got through one. No, wait...I got through three, but one of which was actually an anthology of three books making it more like five. Oh man that's still a massive failure.

-get in better shape
--I totally did this. Then I gave it up. Now I'm doing it again. I never said "get in better shape and STAY that way" to I technically win this round. Take THAT past Grant!

-record a demo CD with Parachutes

-get straight A's in my masters program
--Once more to technicalities. If we go by any normal grading scale I got a 97%, a 93%, and a 93%. Straight A's baby! If we go by the Talbot Grading Scale of Death...I got an A and two B+'s.

-have no more than one dilation you know where
--Of all the ones to succeed in, this one is the one I'm happiest about succeeding in.

-edit at least one semi-major project
--I did indeed edit a pretty major project. Not that any of you will get to see it. I like mystery.

-write more in my journal and on this site
--Journal: failed. On this site: somewhat successful. Woot!

-eat tomatoes without cringing
--Ooh! I've totally done this one! Not large chunks of tomato, but in small doses I can totally handle them now!

-get over the past
--This one was about a personal issue that I never expounded on but can tell you that I succeeded tremendously.

-not spend a single coin
--This one was SO close to failure. I spent a whole load of coins to make rent, but not till the 2nd of January. So for that year, I win!

As for my list of new resolutions, I need to think that through a little more unless I want to make myself feel like an utter failure again. Which I don't. I mean, you can make me feel that way if you like. Or you can just call me gay or something since a good portion of you enjoy doing so. Either way I want to refrain from self-deprecation.

Hope you all had a fantastic new years. I know I did. Here's to the best year yet.

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