Monday, August 11, 2003


No really....I was asked to write something on a certain which I could not refuse writing on.....


Truth be told, I don't have much experience in the way of the ever-so-trendy (or are they not trendy anymore?) hickies. I wanted to see if I could find any interesting information about hickies, but the most I could get was this:

1- A device or contrivance; a gadget.
2- A reddish mark on the skin caused by amorous kissing, biting, or sucking.
3- A pipe-bending apparatus.
4- A threaded electrical fitting used to connect a fixture to an outlet box.

My best guess is that I was asked to talk about number 3, since pipe-bending apparati are all the rage...but instead, I'll talk about number 2. Funny, in the heat of the moment, hickies don't seem like such a bad idea. In fact, they seem almost fun. But after the fact...well...type in "hickies" in google and you will find nearly a hundred personal questions sounding like: "How do I get rid of a hickey FAST?!?!" I don't know about you, but anything I give to someone which is immediately not wanted anymore, isn't a good thing to give.

(These are all true situations...I swear...really)

Scenario 1
-friend gives girlfriend hickey
-girlfriend's friends find out about hickey
-girlfriend's friends bring up hickey in public setting
-much embarrassment is to be had

Scenario 2
-friend gets hickey on his neck
-friend wears a turtleneck to cover it up
-friend is called gay
-much embarrassment is to be had

Scenario 3
-friend gets hickey on back...where nobody will notice
-friend is immediately invited to swim party
-much embarrassment is to be had

I don't you about you...but anytime blood vessels are broken in the pursuit of pleasure, I get a little afraid. But to anyone out there who has been known to have a hickey or two every once in a while....*cough*ChristinaEd*cough*....I've heard that whitening toothpaste will help to get rid of it a little. That or a cold spoon, or a blow dryer, or anything to disperse the coagulating blood. YAY COAGULATING BLOOD!

Sorry, I don't really have any fun embarrassing stories about me and hickies...but I WILL have a great embarrassing story when I get back from surgery. YAY SURGERY!

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