On the Profound Effects of the Scottish Accent Upon the Homeless
I thought that, seeing as to how it is December 20th, it might be a good time to review my new year's resolutions from last year and see if I was able to meet my incredibly high standards for myself. Here's my list from my first entry of January of 2003 and the results:
Grant's New Years Resolutions for 2003
-- to not write "2002" on everything for the next three months
*success* I only did this for the next
-- to write more in my journal
*undetermined* I checked my journal and I wrote more for some periods of time, but then again, I haven't written in my journal for months on end. So you be the judge.
-- to take a road trip
*success* For those of you who remember my harrowing account of Naomi and my trip to San Fran, this was a goal that was easily fulfilled.
-- to go to at least one big concert
*success* I saw Tool, Silverchair, and more will come on this subject later.
-- to write at least five songs for my band
*failure* Or maybe this one is null since I am no longer a Breakfast Epiphanian.
-- to never use the phrase "bling bling"
*success* Thank God this was a success.
-- to stop leaving listerine pocket mint packages in my pants when i wash them
*success* I am proud to say that I one upped this one...I stopped eating those damned addictive mints thereby making it impossible for me to leave a pack in my pocket.
-- to never do a cover of the song "jenny from the block"
*success* Once more...thank God this was a success.
-- to quit my job at schlotzskeys
*success* I aptly quit soon after the new year began. Hooray!
-- to take the condom off my bike seat (don't ask...I didn't put it there)
*undetermined* My bike was stolen, so I never got a chance to take it off. Plus the rain washed most of the crumbling pieces of dried condom off the seat. So once more...you guys decide.
-- to move into my first house
*success* Oh I love living in a house again.
-- to learn how to write more than just "grant" in hebrew
*failure* In fact, I think I regressed. I forgot how to write Grant, but I did learn how to say 1-10, so maybe that counts?
-- to not end up naked in front of a group of more than three
*failure* Heh, I just realized that I failed this one. During my surgery I was naked in front of an indeterminate amount of people...most likely 4 or more. WEEEE!
-- to never convince myself that i can sing well
*success* Though at times I thought I had it...I never convinced myself that I REALLY had it.
-- to read at least twenty books (with more words than pictures)
*undetermined* I think I set this one a little high. I did read at least 15, but I can't be sure of how many I read exactly.
-- to find at least one occasion for which i have to dress up
*success* I went to a wedding. And no, I didn't wear jeans.
-- to cry at least one tear because i am so happy
*success* Thanks Naomi.
I think I did pretty good. Mostly successes and unknowns. I'm not sure what I plan on trying to succeed this next year, but I'm sure "Not having my penis cut into, shot full of drugs, or dilated again" will be on the list.
I just saw a film called Sweet Sixteen which sounds allot like a crappy chick flick about a girl who is almost sixteen and has never dated and then she finds the right guy and her parents don't want her to date so she has to sneak around their backs and then gets in allot of trouble and you think that it's over between them, but then the guy in an unusual amount of romanticism for a 16 year old comes back and succeeds in making her his girlfriend and kisses her for her first time. But it's not. In fact it was about this Scottish kid who had the chance to make it big in the world but only through drug dealing and murder, so he has to choose between a good but poor life and a great but corrupt life. It was interesting because we had to turn the subtitles on due to their accents. I kid you not. I can understand Scottish accents pretty damned well, but their accents were SO strong that it sounded like another language and without subtitles it would have been unwatchable.
I'm going home for about a week, starting tomorrow. I'll end up playing golf, watching Lord of the Rings, Christmas shopping, and sleeping in allot. Oh, and maybe posting once or twice. So if you want to know how my exciting life continues, tune in later. Same Grant time. Same Grant channel.
P.S. I get to see The Psychedelic Furs on new year's eve. ROCK!