Saturday, December 13, 2003

On the Subject of Me

I haven't written anything in a really long while, so I thought I would merely for the sake of not leaving my site un-updated (un-dated?) for too long. So it's not my fault if this post sucks. Or it is and I just don't want to take the blame.

Recent Life Update:

Movie Reviews

-Bowling for Columbine: I really liked this movie. I thought that it debunked most of the myths about gun control out there. People need to not be stupid and realize that gun control won't solve our 11,000+ deaths due to guns a year. See it. It's not all right on, but it's good.

-Bubble Boy: Wait...before you laugh...this movie is REALLY funny. No...seriously. I didn't want to see this because, well, it looked horrible. I did, however, rent it because it's Jake Gyllenhall (did I just horribly mutilate his name?) and I was not disappointed. I would say that if you're in a stupid/funny movie mood...get this movie. Just wear a paper bag over your head as you rent it.

-A Might Wind: Another funny film made those films. I would say that this ranks above Best In Show, a tiny bit below Spinal Tap, and below Waiting for Guffman. Pretty funny film, even if you are someone who doesn't like folk music (like myself).

-Swordfish: Not bad. I saw it on TV so I didn't get to see Halley Barry's boobs. Oh well.

-The Matrix: Revolutions: I expected to say that I hated this film because of how much I despised the second film; but hey, it really wasn't bad at all. Better amount of fight scenes, better acting, better crafted scenes, better drama, not nearly as much drull yeah, I actually really enjoyed it and wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Penis Review

-It no longer bleeds when I pee.

Other Than That Review

-I went bowling and hurt my hand trying to put spin on the ball. I played pool in a really creepy bar that was playing the History Channel which is somehow really wrong in a bar. I did more last minute homework than I ever hope to do every again in my entire life. I died a little inside when I found out that Robert Smith did a song with Blink 182 (ok, I died allot). I bought chocolate milk. I tried to buy a Playboy because of the articles (no really...I'm serious...the January issue, I am told, has a great article by Chuck Palahniuk and by Hunter S. Thompson) but like anyone would really believe that, plus nobody carries Playboy...seriously. I had a dream about spiders...lots of spiders.

Ok, I'm rambling now. I need to stop. I'm bored and am using this site as my whipping boy who I take out my bored aggression on. I apologize.

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