Friday, May 21, 2004

MORE Hate Comments...

Alright, well Abdual wrote me another comment about my post on his comment. Here goes:

"Yeah you American feel so superior to all of us. Well your helicopter came and destroyed a house on my street yesterday. Enjoy your nap.
-Abdual I really have to do this again?

First: Abdual, I never said anything that would make me sound as if I believed I was more superior to you as a person. You made a stupid comment last time about me not being validated in my emotions. Come on. I was giving a rebuttal to an attack on what I am allowed to feel. To risk sounding pedantic and immature, you started it.

Second: I am so incredibly pissed off about this ambiguous "you" that keeps flying around it's not even funny. Our world has devolved into a bunch of mudslinging, stereotyping hypocrites. Much as it was not "the Germans" who persecuted the Jews, it sure as hell is not "my" helicopter that bombed the house on your street. You know what I think of that bombing? It's ridiculous, stupid, and completely and utterly unnecessary. If I could have stopped it, I would have. But guess what? The American government doesn't come to each house and ask if it's okay that civilian houses are bombed. So get over calling it "your helicopter" or anything similar.

Third: Once more we are back on whether or not I am allowed to feel stressed over allot of work or relieved when said work is complete. Do I need to explain this to you again Abdual? This is not MY war and whether or not I believe in it it's happening. If I were not allowed to feel happy as long as someone else in the world was less happy than I, I might as well shoot myself right now. Let's put it this way...Abdual, I can't believe you use a computer. Shame on you. I know this homeless guy down the street who doesn't even have shoes, let alone a computer. And there you are using a computer to read websites. That is so selfish.

Abdual, not all Americans are evil and selfish and wanting the destruction of the rest of the world. I am allowed to feel stressed/happy/sad/ecstatic and that has nothing to do with my opinion on world affairs. So get over yourself.

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