Friday, June 04, 2004

10 Easy Steps To Becoming A Corporate Whore

There are basically two options. Finding a job that is not "corporate", but will still offer some kind of financial reparations for the work done for them, or working for a "corporate" business. I chose the latter. I'm working at Starbucks starting next week.

There seems to be a problem, however, in the way everyone spits out the sentence, "Oh, you work for a corporation." The problem? Here's the definition of corporation: "A group of people combined into or acting as one body." that means even the most anti-government, anti-big business, and anti-major corporation companies are in fact a corporation.


Things That Have Happened

-I worked out yesterday and thoroughly pulled something in my right I can't move it past a 90 degree bend
-I went back to the urologist and had, no joke, 6 dilations done in 30 minutes (if you don't know what I'm talking about, check my archives for other urologist related posts)
-I got a really bad sunburn......on the right side of my face. Yup...just the right side.
-I am now eyebrow piercing-less and am soon to be mohawk-less too (damn you Starbucks!)

Movies That Have Been Seen

-Happiness: Incredibly disturbing. Don't see it if you have a clean soul.
-Monster: Amazingly good. Don't see it if you're an optimist.
-In America: Even amazinglierly good. Don't see it, just see it.
-The Spanish Prisoner: Very interesting. Don't see it if you need flashbacks to explain things.

Now I'm off to band practice. See y'all later.

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