Saturday, June 26, 2004


It's 2:07 and I just got back from hours of washing dishes and making coffee-type-drinks. pays well. Much better than selling my body ever did (obviously people like my coffee better than my body). Speaking of my body...I went golfing the other day with my brother and we both got some iced tea to quench our thirst on the 90 degree day. A couple holes later we both began to feel incredibly queasy and nauseous. do you get sick from friggin iced tea? Obviously they don't clean out their iced tea machine. Obviously they want their patrons to get a staph infection and die and never come back to play golf again. So the rest of the game we both felt like vomiting. Just thought I'd share. Oh, and if anyone wants to donate $60 to me so I can go to the Curiosa festival (where, appropriately, The Cure is playing) I would forever be in your debt and be your personal servant and do anything for you. Come on. Do you really want me to start selling my body on the street again? I never got any offers on selling my brother's that offer is still in the air. Anyone?

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