Friday, July 08, 2005

Unless the water stops lapping at the blackened shore, my trust will dip and wane and dance to the rhythm of the sub-decibel pulsing ever present in my ears. Unless the water stops rolling and crashing and soaking my tears can't be heard by those needing to hear. The now deafened ears are transfixed on a sound that doesn't even exist outside of the mind. Like a ghost to aural senses some papers are moved, a light flickers with power and, ultimately, leaves darkness for all. The gift of sight ends up being a curse strapped to dragging feet stuck to lethargic legs swinging from a dead weight pelvis toting a sluggish torso lugging unmoving arms and a neck but no head. The heart, oh the heart, don't get me started. Don't make me laugh. Let me zip up the black plastic and let's just leave it be. Opened mouths mispronounce upscale words filled with vowels while hands clench, knuckles white, who needs blood to show anger? The simplest of all words and all thoughts, of emotions, is tricky and quite deadly...or deceitful one might say. With a wave of the wand what one once thought was one thing will wonder away, washing clean of existence. The signature in red sits on black dotted lines sits on pure white papyrus sits in gas lit alight. So sing another song filled with too many feelings and dig at the meanings you can't live without. What makes you so whatever it is that you are is a mystery to me wrapped in leather bound enigma. My advice then is eat sleep drink kill love rest will go die burn lift go feel sigh drink touch lust glow build break lie cheat yell run fall thrash melt stray go jump fight think bleed cut show meet hide look don't go live ride smile play clench write push fall dream say go strip scratch tie cut scream go please don't go

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