Monday, August 15, 2005

"Are you still alive?"

I finally have internet access on my own computer! I've been living in Chad's living room for a couple months now...sleeping on his floor...using his bathroom...eating his food that I partially paid for...and using his laptop for my internet fix. But the time has come my brothers to free myself from the bondage that is not having anything of my own. For on the 21st of August 2005 ano domini the year of our lord Chad and I will be moving into a new condo. With 2 bedrooms. No longer will I lay on the hard ground and yearn for a bed. No longer will I have to change standing in the middle of Chad's living room hoping that random people don't look through the window to see me after a shower. No longer will I endlessly bug Chad by taking up all his space. Oh, and you're all welcome to come visit once we're all set up. I'd say housewarming party, but school starts 2 days after we move maybe I'll have an uber-belated housewarming party. And I expect gifts.

In other news Parachutes played at the House of Blues again last night. And a big shout out to Drunk Kid who kept telling everyone I was a rock star and screaming "F*CK YEAH!" every 15 seconds or so.

Summer is over my friends. Time for a few more shenanigans and then I'll become the philosopher recluse that you all know and (pretend to) love.

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