Tuesday, July 08, 2003

As was just pointed out by Christina...there's something really odd going down here at 50fifty. If you look up at that Blogspot add thingy, you might notice something strange. It's a sentence that goes like this:

Related Searches: "wet knickers" "stupid people" "pee" "girls peeing"

I decided to check this out. I mean...really...what could this mean?

"What does 'Ads by Google' mean?

It means that Google uses proprietary technologies to match advertisements to the content and context of web pages - so the ads you see are related to the information you are viewing. The ads come from Google's base of more than 100,000 AdWords advertisers. These advertisers range from global brand name companies to small local businesses."

So let me get this straight. Google has decided that people who read my site not only want to know about diapers (the upper right ad) but would love to do a search for "girls peeing" ??? The only thing I can guess is that I've talked about my friend the urinary tract infection so many times that Google thought I must have a thing for girls peeing. Since um...I uh...ok so I really have no clue.

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