Sunday, July 06, 2003

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As for a topic for the evening...


Now there's a topic that nobody talks about. Am I right? Of course I'm right. How many conversations have you had about skidmarks? And no, I'm not talking about the kind that cars make. I'm talking about the kind nobody talks about. "Now Grant," you might say, "why in the world would you talk about skidmarks?" "Well faithful reader," I might respond, "because nobody else tackles the really tough I thought that I would.

I have overheard a conversation or two that went like this:

girl 1: "Why do guys leave skidmarks in their underwear?"
girl 2: "I have no idea."

I also saw an episode of Sex and the City (shuddup) where a conversation went like this:

girl 1: "Why do guys leave skidmarks?"
girl 2: "I don't know, I guess they're just too lazy to wipe or something."

Well my lady friends...or guy friends...or nobody in particular...if you would like to know the truth, there is one reason, and one reason alone that guys, and not girls, leave skidmarks sometimes.


It is at least a somewhat well known fact that guys are a wee bit more hair-covered than girls are. And, for most guys, this includes that area of the body that is usually adorned by said underwear. As to not make this too graphic...I will be incredibly vague and just use comparisons and hope you understand. If you were to take a dog and shave it, then roll it through the mud, then clean would not be too arduous of a task. A simple hose and a towel will do the trick. If you were, however, to take that same dog...unshaven...and roll it through the mud, and then clean would be a much more difficult task. You would really have to scrub the dog to get every last bit of mud from the hair.

Ok, this is just getting out of hand...and if you don't understand...wait till your older and I'll draw you a picture.

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