Saturday, January 31, 2004

The Klepto Strikes Again

I'm sitting in my room eating "Beautiful DENMARK Butter Cookies" and the wall in front of me keeps lighting up yellow, then not yellow, then yellow, then not yellow, get the idea. Why is my wall lighting up yellow? Because I have a problem. Hi. I'm Grant. I'm a klepto. I think I've mentioned this before, but a true klepto is someone who does not steal for profit, but steals (often) useless items (and even returns them sometimes) purely for the thrill of stealing. The streets around my house are being, um, renovated...even though they needed no renovating. This means that "Road Closed" signs and "Detour" signs and "Caution" signs are everywhere. And I mean everywhere. At one point there was a pile of at least 50 of these signs piled up on the side of the street. I started drooling when I saw this and simply had to have one. So last night Naomi and I pulled up in her 4Runner and I jumped out, popped the trunk, threw the sign in the trunk, and jumped back in the car ready to drive to safety. I guess I forgot that the sign was blinking out of control, making her car a gleaming beacon for ticket-happy police. Luckily we made it the 3 blocks to our houses and I ran upstairs (or more so stumbled upstairs...those things are awkward) and set up my new trophy. I'm not sure what the penalty is for stealing city property, but it's probably a little harsher then I'm willing to accept the responsibility for. My room is now adorned with at least 7 signs that should most likely not be in my room.

p.s. If you can't tell...which you probably can't...this whole thing is at least 4 1/2' tall.

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