Thursday, January 01, 2004

Two Thousand and WHAT?

I can't believe this year is over. And to make this brief, I just want to make some new year's resolutions to see if I can stick to them. So here we go.

In 2004 I Resolve To:

-Get into better shape (especially cardiovascularly)
-Make at least 1 short film
-See at least 3 big concerts
-Get a bartending job
-Clean my room
-Write a script/novella
-Play bass for a CD on a label
-Make my site look prettier
-Turn 22
-Learn more Hebrew
-Not end up naked in front of more than 5 people (I'm upping it this year)
-Not have more penis surgery
-Not catch on fire
-Eat healthier
-Golf a 100 game
-Bowl a 170
-Not die

Ok...and now comes the fun part. You guys get to read about my life and see if I get to accomplish these goals! Wee!

Merry New Year y'all.

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