Tuesday, February 17, 2004

What's the Problem with the Passion?

Yes...I know you are sick of hearing about Mel Gibson's new film which I will just call The Passion. So the only reason I'm talking about it is that it is making me so angry whenever I hear all these debates about whether it is going to make people more anti-Semitic...or these arguments that the film is anti-Semitic...or that the film should be blacklisted....or etc etc etc. This is a VERY simple matter. First...if people are going to say that the movie is anti-Semitic and will fuel anti-Semitism among the people...then our next step should be to ban the Bible......because guess what? Mel Gibson didn't freaking write the story. It's called the Bible and it's been around for thousands of years and if a movie is going to make people more anti-Semitic then we should sterilize those people and never allow them to watch TV because they are so simple minded, easily persuaded, and just plain stupid that they don't even realize that Jewish people killing Jesus is necessary for Christianity. Second...who is going to become more anti-Semitic after seeing this film? The athiest/agnostics/buddhists/hindus/daoists/etc? Hardly. Why would they care since they don't believe in Jesus being the Son of God? Then who? The white supremacists? I truthfully have no clue what their vendetta is against the Jews since they don't care about Christ or Christianity. Then who? The Christians? I sure as hell hope not. If the Christians are going to become anti-Semitic because they see a film that shows Jewish people as the cause of Christ's crucifixion...they need to rethink their religion. Guess what? Without Jesus dying you don't have a resurrection...without a resurrection you DON'T HAVE CHRISTIANITY. So if Christians are going to get upset, they haven't so much as cracked open a Bible or delved into the most basic of stories of Christianity and don't realize that space aliens could have killed Jesus and it would have made no difference....we should be thanking the part of the Jewish community from thousands of years ago who influenced Christ's crucifixion because without that, Christianity wouldn't be here today.


There is no debate. The film is an accurate depiction of a historical story. Do we try to ban WWII films because they will make us think poorly of the Germans? No. So what's different here?

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