Sunday, February 22, 2004

American Optimism Strikes Again!

With deadly accuracy and with careful precision, America's favorite media feeling -optimism- has deftly struck another blow towards the already fragile psyches of the pathetic public. Obviously I am talking about Sex and the City...what else? Let's get over the fact that this is a well made show and that I have found it more than moderately interesting and intriguing over the past couple years. Now that we're over that...let's get to my point. The last episode of this show was on tonight. No more. Ever. And you might want to cover your ears if you don't want info about this episode....I warned you can't get mad at me with complete and utter predictability the show changed styles completely and went with the over-emotional, fairy-tale ending completely lacking in humor and wrapping up every possible issue in 40 minutes. The first couple seasons of this show were about one thing...trying to find true love but only finding sad silhouettes of love disguised as men who only wanted sex or else didn't know the first thing about love. Why was this refreshing? Because for once a show didn't have these fairy-tale romances of perfection and bliss. Then the writers got to a tough spot...the last episode. They realized that -like any good show- there were many many major plot points that were yet to be hashed out and solved. So -like any good American movie or show- major life changing issues were resolved, major life changing emotions were felt and dealt with, and major life changing decisions were made....all in the span of 2 days. Yes, that's right too can have eternal bliss and happiness at the touch of a dial. Just call this number and sell us your soul and in 5 eeeeeasy payments of $59.95 you too can be like Carry Bradshaw and be happy forever! Sorry no COD's. Is it too much to ask that a show end and not every string has been neatly tied to another end? I want some fraying, I want some unevenness, I want reality...which the show had (or as much reality as a tv show can have) and then flung away for a heartfelt romance novel last page. How many of you out there have been deeply in love and then decided in the span of 2 weeks that it was all wrong and then found yourself in the comforting arms of a perfect relationship within 2 minutes of that decision to get out of the previous relationship that was thought to be utterly perfect? If that's you, call up Oprah because're gonna be famous. Let's just get one thing straight. Life doesn't solve itself in 30 minutes. Relationships are never perfect fairy-tales. Problems arise, and as those are solved, new problems arise and so it goes till we help some grass grow and feed some hungry insects. Sorry to be cynical, but in all truthfulness the totally uneasy and not completely neatly tied up ends of foreign films give me a bigger warm and fuzzy feeling in my tummy than the make-believe of American media that fuels the imaginations of all who partake and leaves them broken and disillusioned.

< /soapbox >

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