Tuesday, March 09, 2004

We Like to Sit Around and Get Real Paid...

So I've spent well over 30 hours sitting at my computer lining up clips of audio with clips of video. And so goes the exciting, adventure-filled life of an assistant editor. I won't go into the details because after I was done I wanted to gouge out my eyes and cut off my hands so I could never use a computer again...or maybe cut off my hands and then gouge out my eyes with the dull stubs where my hands used to be. Oh...and I did it just because I need more stuff on my reel...not for money.

On another note...my internship employers are the biggest slackers in the world. My boss doesn't even listen to me when he calls on the phone. He called to ask me something and then asked how I was doing. Here's how that part of the conversation went:

him: So how are you doing?
me: I'm really sick and haven't been able to do any work.
him: **pause**So you're stayin busy.
me: Um...well.....
him: Alright, talk to you later.

It's not that he SEEMS spacey...he DIDN'T EVEN HEAR ME. Oh, and guess who hasn't been paid for 5 months? Me! I keep asking and somehow nobody seems to notice. I'm sure this is illegal somehow but I just don't care enough. I just want my money and then I want to sit naked in front of a fan because the last couple days have been so hot that it's been hard to breathe.

Have you ever found out how someone from your past is living their life and you just have to laugh? You just have to think to yourself, "Gosh...I'm glad I'm not a part of that." I guess some people never grow up...or are already grown up and have simply proven to be deficient adults. Puts a smile on my face.

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