Monday, August 02, 2004

I'm Falling Apart...

It's 1:51am and I am sincerely worried that my leg is broken. I mean...I'm sure it's not, but it's hard to be sure of that when you directly slam the shinbone into a metal pole (that just so happens to be perfect grant-shin height) and now you can hardly walk on it, put any pressure on it, and it's swollen to the size of a marble. A medium sized marble. You know.

So now I have a bad of ice taped to my leg because I couldn't type and hold it on my leg at the same time. Only I'm in my boxers so I had to scotch tape the freezer bag full of ice to my bare leg.

Let's count down Grant's physical ailments:

1 seemingly broken shin
1 broken penis (ok ok, not broken)
1 off and on horrendous pain in the same shin (only not caused from this accident)
1 hurt wrist
A myriad of cuts/burns/bruises from *bucks

I'm really not trying to complain. I'm just writing while I wait for the prerequisite 15 minutes of icing is up so I can try and sleep. I will gladly accept comments such as, "What a wimp!" or "Stop whining you baby!" or "You're such a _____" (fill in blank with your favorite word)


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