Thursday, April 20, 2006

The other day, a chance away, I chose to give up such a search.

There was this boy. He was no ordinary boy. No, not at all. If anything, no boy had ever been like him in ALL of existence. "Why," you might ask, "why was this boy so special?" To tell you that, dear reader, you will have to embark on a strange tale with me. To learn the secret of the boy, you will have to give up everything you believe, and wait till the very end. The day before the day before a thousand years ago a boy was born with half a heart, but lived despite his failing life. A day upon a day upon some 23 years of life, a boy with only half a heart would die...that's quite for sure. He grew and soon was greeted with his birthday number 23. A spark, a thought went off and something strange came to his sleeping mind. A thought, a realization still, a memory of past. He had the other half a heart, but lost the part he had. At first a fit, a perfect fit, but things just change...that's what they say. A piece of his, a piece of hers, were torn, a battlewound of sorts. He kept her part, and she kept his, vindic.tion or love unrequi.ed. So now a missing piec. was filled, but part of hi. was gone. Anothe. match, though slightly lesse., but only in one way. A piece of his was taken now and couldn't fill h.r empty space. That tin. little.lacking piece is.all o.e nee.s to find . crack. A break and crumble and parts m.ssing. A pie.e .f his and piece of .ers wer..kept for .isbelief or.t.ue love los.. .h.t's one my.tery, an. no one knows. .o a myri.d o. doubt rid.en guise a pi.ce he.e a piece the.e they.we.e sm.ll...didn't ma.ter. O.e day he g.ew .p an.d .ou.d hims.lf.on . day whe. h.s 23r. year wa. u.on him s..e w.y.. .e o.ked i. t.e mirr.r and h.lf a.hea.t. A ....ame an. .ra..s ru.n.. .h.o..h. The ....c.s a.l ..o. .he.,...iec.s al. t...., t... .o.. .... a... .. ..d ..............s.........................

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