Friday, November 07, 2003

Good Ol' Man Show

I'm sorry, I need to rant about something. I just took more Nyquil (yeah, this bastard cold won't go away) and was flipping channels. On came the Man Show which started out with a dialogue between the new wannabe Man Show hosts about religion. Off they go about every religion being a cult. Every religion being a group of stupid sheep partaking in stupid activities. Every religion being a simple different than "a hooker and pack of cigarettes." Every religion being, at the base, thousands of people doing the same thing. Then they started to misquote the Bible by taking verses out of context and trying to prove that prostitution is condoned by the Bible and that adultery should require death for the adulterer.

Yeah, that's some good logic there! I'd better forget my beliefs goodness...these geniuses have thoroughly convinced me with shoddier logic than...well...than someone with really shoddy logic (sorry...the Nyquil must be taking's not allowing me to think very wittily) Let's take a look at what they said....

Every religion is a cult: First off...the definition of cult. 1- A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. or 2- A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease. Well, since the Man Show geniuses were talking about the Bible...they were therefore talking about Christianity (or a sect of). Well, since there are thousands upon thousands of historic facts backing Christianity, the first definition of cult can obviously not be applied. Then...since Christianity has been put through the scientific process by such scientific/theological gods as Alvin Planktiga and C.S. Lewis, this second definition of cult can obviously not be applied. Well...there goes the first main insult.

Every religion is a group of stupid sheep partaking in stupid activities: Well...this could be hard to argue since it's so vague...but hey...if a group of people meeting on Sunday to try and better their lives, or a group of people trying to follow some basic rules (none of which could possibly be called stupid), or a group of people looking to something other than themselves to help them through life is stupid...then I'm glad to be stupid.

Every religion is a simple different then a hooker and pack of cigarettes: The only way you can call religion merely a crutch is if you can disprove it altogether. Go ahead...disprove Christianity...then I will gladly call it a crutch.

Every religion is thousands of sheep doing the same thing: Well then...couldn't we call concert goers a religion or cult? Couldn't we call sports fans of any kind a religion or cult? Couldn't we call people who vacation to exotic places, people who watch TV, people who work, people who eat, people who breath part of a religion or cult? And according to their logic...therefore stupid.

Taking Bible verses out of context: First off, after talking about the Bible and then talking about such incidents as Heaven's Gate proves how little they know, since no Christian groups have partaken in group suicide...the group suicide people didn't follow the Bible. Secondly, the verse about adulterers being stoned is from the old testament. Now don't ask me to get into it unless you want a huge answer...but many of the rules and laws from the old testament were no longer in effect due to Jesus. I won't go into it right now...unless you want me to.

Now I'd just like to name a few people:

C.S. Lewis............................Kepler
J.R.R. Tolkein.......................Faraday
Robert Boyle........................Gregor Mendel
George Washington Carver....Blaise Pascal
Christopher Columbus..........T.S. Eliot
Kenneth H. Cooper..............Handel
Samuel Morse.....................Doestoevsky
Isaac Newton......................Tolstoy
Louis Pasteur......................James Joule
Hugh Ross.........................Kelvin
Francis Shaeffer.................Johannes Kepler
The Wright Brothers..........Carl Linnaeus
Bach................................Sir Henry Ralinson

Well...those people were all Christians. Yeah...some of the most influential people ever...all Christians. Yeah...some of the smartest people to ever grace this earh...all Christians. you know...Christians are just stupid sheep doing stupid inventing the Kelvin scale of temperature, or like creating the theories of thermodynamics that we still use today. Pretty dumb people in my opinion.

Maybe next time some thought should be put into the jokes used on the Man Show.

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