Sunday, October 03, 2004


It seems that Cupid is on a bloody rampage of epic proportions. I'm talking a maelstrom of arrows from every angle. There's no other explanation for it. Everybody and their mom is getting married. No really...I know a guy who is getting married around the same time his mom is. Let's count. High school friend married (she's my age) AND PREGNANT. Ex-roommate friend getting married in the next couple weeks. Long time family friend just married this weekend. Cousin who is one year older than me married. Naomi's sister is getting married in a couple weeks. Two very close friends just engaged. Another friend engaged and talking about marriage. Plus, at least two couples who are on the verge of engagement.

Everyone needs to chill out and stop getting married so I can stop freaking out about people my age getting married and having kids. Seriously people, don't you consider my happiness more important than your own?

Marriage changes passion - suddenly you're in bed with a relative. ~Author Unknown

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