Friday, October 08, 2004

Satan Rejected My Soul

I don't pretend to know much about the state deficit, the United State's foreign affairs policy, or even how our tax brackets work...but there's an issue or two that I do know about. And no, this isn't going to be an account of the debates, that can be found anywhere.

This is going to be about legalizing murder.

I find it funny that so many people are utterly against the death penalty, against animal cruelty, and against mistreating humans in any way shape or form, but are willing to say that it's fine to have a partial birth abortion. But I don't even want to talk about abortion right now, I want to talk about stem-cell research.

For those who don't know, this is where you take a stem-cell (the cell before it is turned into a specific cell for the body to use) and harvesting these to use for just about anything. They are incredibly helpful and can heal all kinds of diseases and save lives like none other. So why would it be so bad to have unrestricted stem-cell research?

Remember the Matrix? Remember the harvesting of humans? That's what we'd be doing. Take an in vitro fertilization. When these take place, there is often more than one egg fertilized. These are frozen and can be used later because normally the person who is going to have the child doesn't want more than one kid.

Now TRY and tell me that those fertilized eggs are not the beginning of life. Try and tell me that when all you have to do is put the fertilized egg in a uterus and 9 months later you have a child, that it is not life.

What would this mean for stem-cell research? It would mean that we could take those frozen eggs and take the stem-cells and throw the eggs in the trash. We would literally be throwing the first stage of little babies into the garbage. Which is no different than's just seen as even LESS bad since it is doing some good in the end.

But tell it worth it to kill one in order to save another?

If you were in a room with two people, one of whom is terminally ill and one of whom is fine, and you had a gun, would you shoot the healthy one to save the ill one's life?

Sigh...I’m too tired to think of more logical reasons why stem-cell research is wrong. Please do some research. Please vote against it. I'm so apolitical it's not even funny...but this is serious.

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