Friday, October 15, 2004


Apparently my little talk about stem-cell research offended a person or two. Here's a comment I got:

"well, my dad died of diabedes earlier this year, and splitting a cell or two could have saved his life. I'm sure the Matrix really made an impression on you, but this is real life.

I really resent kids that think they have some kind of concept about what life is all about. Maybe when your dad is laying face down on the kitchen floor you'll be a little bit less self-righteous. Ignorant people like you are what is going to continue to keep other fathers like mine dying.

So spare me your concern for molecules when I remember my dad trying to speak to me one last time."



Well Josias, I truly am sorry that your dad died. Death is an incredibly difficult thing that has touched pretty much everyone. It does not, however allow us to justify anything we want. I'm glad to see that the main thing you got out of my post was the comment about the Matrix. You know why I put that in there? Because I was trying to not be too gloomy about a horrible subject. It's called a societal reference...glad to see you know the difference in a comparison and a thesis statement.

Oh, and next time you want to make an argument, you might want to try something other than argumentum ad hominem. In case you are even more ignorant than you are accusing me of being, that's attacking the person rather than attacking the argument. You can tell me I'm ignorant, I'm just a kid, and I have no concept of what life is all about, but that doesn't mean anything when what I was talking about was stem-cell research. In fact, it just makes you look more ignorant. Plus, good job telling me I don't know what life is all about when you know absolutely nothing about me as a person. Shows how smart you really are.

The comment you made about "when your dad is...." how in the world do you know whether or not I have been through something just as, if not even more tragic and traumatic? What I displayed in my post was nothing similar to self-righteous was completely selfless in that my desire is to help inform others so as to save the lives of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of babies lives.

And yes...I like the line about people like me being the reason your father died. Good job of placing the blame on completely innocent people. Good use of argumentum ad misercordiam.

Also, I had to laugh out loud when I read the line about my concern for molecules. I don't care about molecules, Josias, I care about lives. If you think I haven't done my research on this topic and am just bs-ing it all, make another guess. I have done intensive, in depth research on this topic. Have you done research into how babies will be mutilated and thrown in the garbage in the name of science?

Just because something is possible, doesn't make it right. Take a look at my examples in that post. Shooting someone in the head to save an ill person's life is absolutely in no way justifiable. Therefore, neither is stem-cell research.

Not everyone who has an opinion differing from yours is misinformed.

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