Sunday, February 27, 2005

Shades of Blue and Pink

DISCLAIMER: You can ignore's just for me

It's funny how when you grow up it is easy to think that everything is black and white. There is good and there is evil and never the twain shall meet.

And by "funny" I mean "the most confusing (possibly horrible) thing ever."

It slaps you pretty hard in the face when you suddenly realize one day that you are going to have to make a decision that is a catch-22. You weigh the pros and the cons and you stop dead in your tracks and think to yourself, "Wait...but either way I have to do something awful." Your brain racks itself for a simple answer. I mean, there has to be one right? A right one that is. You must just be overlooking it. There's always a "right" choice.

And this isn't even taking into account the fact that most people don't have any clue what "right" or "wrong" means. It's all relative and I want to punch them in the face and say it's right for me.

Then you realize something. Hopefully. It's there for understanding if you are willing to look past your own discomfort in order to grasp this concept that is so simple out of context, but once in the middle of a situation like this, it is harder to hold onto than a handful of water. That realization is that everything has a reason.

No...wait...I don't care if you believe in God, or god, or gods, or fate, or karma, or reincarnation, or anything even remotely outside of yourself. There is nothing that could possibly happen to you that will not have some sort of positive outcome if you are willing to understand it. I don't care if it is death, or heartbreak, or destruction, or the worst your mind can concoct. If you are willing will gain something from it.

Screw shades of black and white...I paint in shades of blue and pink.

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