Take it from a Hypocrite, You don't want to do ThatThanks to
Aro Aro and his dream about marriage, I've had one of my own. Though mine seems much more bizarre, at least to me.
Fade To Dream Sequence:Everything is dark and blue and black and shadowed. S and T are standing in a room with K and myself. S has just proposed to T, though I somehow missed the proposal. Then he breaks out into a poem about her and marrying her. I only remember the basic concept of one part of the poem:
My fish heads are fresh and sealed
Yours have been tasted and I'm sure were delicious
I was standing in front of K, who was sitting in a stone throne of sorts. She jokingly said, "I guess this is where you would propose to me..." and I dropped to one knee. She seemed amazingly surprised.
I was looking up at her, but she wasn't just a little bit above me, it was as if I was looking up a mile just to see her face.
I said something along the lines of, "Sorry I'm going to get really sappy here..." and expressed my eternal, undying love and how she was everything I had ever wanted forever and ever. She seemed so happy.
As we started walking away, K turned into C. This didn't strike me as odd at the time. But suddenly I knew I had made a mistake in proposing. It would never work. What was I thinking? I had been hasty and had disregarded the things I knew would get in the way. C asked me why it wouldn't work and I didn't even say anything, I simply pointed over my shoulder at the monstrous, looming entity behind me. She understood.
The next morning she woke me up. It was still dark and blue and I couldn't really see her face. I avoided her for a few days simply because I didn't want to tell her I had made a mistake in proposing. Who does that? Taking a proposal back. You can't do that.
Fade Out Of Dream SequenceThis all makes sense to me. That was probably uninteresting enough, so I won't go into self-psychoanalyzing at this point in time.