Thursday, September 29, 2005

Scar tissue that I wish you saw

After Aaron did the digital equivalent of tagging my site, I thought I would help clarify the first point in my altered image: "Everyone...thinks I'm depressed." Well, you would be depressed too if you had to have your penis dilated today. Or, if you're a girl, if you HAD a penis and it was dilated today.

Yes yes...yet another dilation. No need for any explanations since I've told it all before. But THIS time I got some pictures! Sorry for the quality, I had to take a screenshot of a video image of a phone picture.

First picture: The Bed

Note the stirrups. This is where the torture takes place.

Second picture: The Tools

Note that large curved chunk of metal on the left. That's what they put inside of me.

Now pity me.

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