Thursday, September 08, 2005

I was just sitting here...

...eating my skirt steak out of a styrofoam container...cutting it with a boot knife...when I realized something. This site is now 4 years old. So for 4 years I have been romping around on the internet letting everyone know too much about myself. So in honor of my site's birthday, I thought I'd recap what happened on or around this day for the past 4 years. Kinda like those episodes of Boy Meets World where they couldn't come up with a good script so they just had 3 characters sit in a room and reminisce over Corry and Topenga's torrid relationship while constantly cutting to really long flashbacks in order to fill up the half hour.

Grant's Boy-Meets-World-Style Flashback Post!

September 8th 2001

"Hi. I'm Grant. I now have a website. Why? I don't really know. But I have one."

And since then...I have faithfully held true to that fact. I don't know why I have a website...but I have one. The best part is, 13 days later I gave up and wrote a "final post" about not knowing what I was doing and so I was going to live vicariously through Ed and Aro's sites. I guess I'm not too big on sticking to my word.

September 8th 2002

"Utter chaos is reigning supreme here at Chapman"

At this time, Aro was (like this was unusual) playing with his food and spilling large amounts of chocolate colored drink on himself, our room was full of so much band equipment that we had to hurdle it just to get to our beds, I was getting put in the trunk of cars when there wasn't enough room to fit everyone (Thanks Megan), and our makeshift shelf housing silverware and videogame systems exploded in the middle of the night. Just a normal day in the Gamma Alpha Epsilon house.

September 3rd 2003

"Shaving 101 for the Depressed"

I guess I didn't write on the 8th. And oooh...I started doing titles! This was a long rant about people who cut themselves and put pictures of it online and show off their supposed pain and give tips on how to better cut yourself. I was pissed off.

"In other news....I spent the night eating éclairs and playing Track and Field for Nintendo. Oh man...too much fun."

September 8th 2004

"Seriously...does this kind of thing happen to everyone or is there some practical joke group out there specifically assembled to put me in unbelievable situations?"

This was a story about how I got hit by a car while riding my skateboard on my way to my first day of class.

September 8th 2005

Well, this is happening right now, so I'm not sure why I put a title there. And I'm amazed no penis surgery stories happened on those dates. I think that topic has been discussed more than anything else on here.

I want to make a huge list of all the great and not so great things that have happened over the last 4 years. If you have a good memory, or story, or anything at all, PLEASE comment it! I want to remember all these things.

Here's to 4 years.

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