Thursday, February 14, 2002

I walked around today with my upside down cardboard heart safety pinned to my black shirt that matched my black pants, black shoes, etc... I watched as people carried around flowers, balloons, cards, etc... And I thought to myself what it is that makes people want to participate in a day like Valentine's Day. I guess it's the fact that not many people truly understand love. And if the card companies tell you love is buying something from Hallmark with a pre-written poem...then that must be love. And if the candy companies tell you that buying expensive boxes of chocolates is love...then that must be love. And if the flower companies tell you that flower arrangements that cost nearly a hundred dollars which will last a week at most are love...then that must be love. But I look around at this grotesque display of corperate control and I shake my head. That's not love. Love is a handwritten poem straight from the heart. Love is sharing fast food at midnight in a park. Love is that laughter that nobody else can bring out in you. Love is not being able to sleep because you don't want to look away from their face. Love is knowing...not thinking...knowing that somebody is right for you.

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