Saturday, February 09, 2002

*listening to stories about love
*feeling like I should know more about love

Why not just do a quick update of my life (and thoughts)...because it will be fun...I promise! (ok, I don't promise...just in case I'm wrong)

~~Aaron got lost, ended up at a 7-11, and needed me to pick him up
*while there he bought donuts and found a mob family

~~Valentine's Day is a corporate holiday...we should boycott and celebrate another day

~~Our little band is coming along quite nicely (good ol' Stairway to Heaven)
*we need a drum kit...we don't have's sad

~~I feel I know so much on certain topics
*life in general
---but in reality I find out (quite harshly) I know very little
(it's sad really)

~~My computer deserves death...nothing less

~~I suck at allot of things that I thought I was good at
*I found this out through college
---isn't college great?

~~I'm tired...I need sleep
*I think I'll go now

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