Monday, November 04, 2002

I went to see Glassjaw at the Glasshouse last night. And it just plain rocked. (no pun intended (or did you not think there was a pun intended and now you're going to go back and look at what I wrote and see that it could have been meant as a really cheesy pun and laugh at me?)) Riiiiight.

The first band was best described by Naomi as "gay euro-trash." There were two lead singers (both with identical high-pitched screaming voices) who seemed to enjoy flailing about in a very feminine manner. This seemed a very odd contrast with the hard rock music. Hard rock music that had no melody mind you. During their five or six song set I never once heard a distinct melody squeeze through the screaming and distortion.

Glassjaw was by far the best. Their lead singer is (once more quoting) "a little spaz." And that's just what he is. He's this tiny little angry guy who jumps around stage and is incredibly entertaining. The only downside to their set...a light set up slightly behind the drummer. It was this little light that rotated back and forth and would turn on randomly through the songs. And my gosh this thing put the sun to shame. I mean...sunglasses would do you no good if you were faced with this evil demon of light. As it would face away from us you could see this huge beam of light reflecting off the sporadic puffs of marijuana smoke and hitting the back wall of the venue. The Army needs to forget about guns when fighting at night...they just need a bunch of these lights and they could easily blind the enemy and render them harmless. But despite the lead singer being sick, and despite my corneas being fried, the show was absolutely amazing.

Maybe next time I'll join in the moshing and crowd surfing.

And maybe I'll come home with a couple broken bones too.

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