Monday, February 24, 2003

I'm one of two things...but I don't know which. Maybe you can help me figure it out. I'm either a total klepto stuck in a innocent boy's body, or I'm an innocent boy merely trying to be "bad" because of some internal psychological desire to be a "bad boy" since that is what is deemed attractive. It's not like I ever really steal anything valuable, but I find use cliche movie lingo...casing a joint when I walk in. Just about any time I go into a store/restaurant/business, I immediately check for cameras. Not staring up at the ceiling, but casually and secretively. I then look for metal detectors, cops/rent-a-cops, magnetic strips on products, plain-clothes-cops, etc... I figure out the best way to take just about anything the store sells and come up with elaborate plans. I look for receipts on the ground to see if someone bought something expensive and paid in cash so I could grab the same product from within the store and "return" it for a cash refund. The thing is...I don't take anything. I've never planned and carried out some elaborate thievery action. But I still pay attention to the eye in the sky and see if I can switch labels from cheap products to expensive products. Maybe I should buy something expensive and tell the employees my addiction. Then I could put the product back on the shelf and then pretend to steal it all sneaky-like. Oh well...I'll just continue to heist food from Chapman when I forget my ID card.

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