Thursday, February 13, 2003

So maybe this will become a habit? I am once more at my computer and typing away but with no corrective lenses of any kind. My glasses are still AWOL and my contacts are hiding out in the bathroom where Ed is currently taking a shower. Although the shower just stopped. Maybe I'm more creative when not assisted by man-made inventions to let the blind see. Although man-made help is sometimes quite nice. Like these little pills called doxycycline hyclate. I went to the health center yesterday because I was having this sharp pain under my right rig cage. Ends up being nothing. But I described a few other symptoms to the nurse and a couple questions and a urine sample later, I have a urinary tract infection (yay for telling embarrassing personal ailments to the entire world!) burns when I urinate. So now I'm taking these little orange pills. But it's all ok because they didn't have to do one of those tests. You know. The ones where they stick a tube up your urethra and then put a cotton swab through the tube. No, I have never had this oh so joyous sounding experience. And if my luck holds...I never will. It actually all felt very illegal. I walked in, signed a few forms, mentioned a few symptoms, peed in a cup, and then a doctor walked in and handed me a bottle of pills. I would imagine this is how the blackmarket works. Only this is a blackmarket for people with urinary tract infections.

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