Sunday, March 13, 2005

Dark Water and Diet Lemonade

I went surfing yesterday. "But Grant," you should be saying, "you don't know how to surf!" Yes, you are right my imaginary friend, I do not know how to surf. Yet I was persuaded into attempting to do just

Sure I was using a 7' foamboard, but I actually stood up for a split second two times. I blame it on beginner's luck.

After consuming who knows how much salt water, we were thirsty, so we went to Carl's Jr. I need to warn you all...don't drink Carl's Jr.'s "lite lemonade." It tastes like water with a drop (maybe two) of fake lemon diluted throughout it. Come on, it's sugar, water, and lemon...why do you need diet? What is the world coming to?

In other news I am writing a huge paper on Pascal's Wager, so if anyone wants to chime in on whether they think it is valid or invalid, maybe I'll quote you and give you some official sounding title.

In other news, I beat up Sleep. It was like, "Dude, know you wanna." And I was like, "Dude,, I don't." And it was like, "Dude, come on Grant, you REALLY know you wanna." And I was like, "Dude, Sleep...seriously, stop bugging me, I don't wanna." And it was like, "Dude, Grant...really, you should like totally do it." And I was like, "Dude, know what?" And I was like, BAM, and I hit him in the face and then he fell and I kicked him in the stomach. And then I was like, "Dude, Sleep...I'm sorry." And it was like, "Dude, Grant...that was TOTALLY uncalled for." And I was like, "Dude, Sleep...will you forgive me? I kinda wanna now." And it was like, "Dude, way man, I already gave you a chance and now my nose is bleeding." And I was like, "Dude, Sleep...I'm sorry, really, can I please?" And it was like, "Dude,'s over between us."

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