Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I have now gone over 48 hours with nothing but liquid. On purpose mind you. My meals have consisted of smoothies, wheatgrass, soup, smoothies, juice, protein shakes, and more smoothies. The people at Jamba Juice are starting to recognize me. I wonder if I'll be able to make it the next 4 1/2 days.

I saw Robots today. It looked good, but it wasn't so great. The Incredibles was better. Yes...I like cartoons.

So...I know I'm supposed to be going to Hollywood and all after this semester in order to reap the rewards of fruitless begging for low end film jobs I don't want but must have in order to climb the slippery slopes of post production; but I'm probably going to be getting my MA in philosophy instead. Yeah, I know...philosophy and filmmaking have SO much in common and ALL the producers will want ME as their editor because I have a MASTERS in PHILOSOPHY! Sigh...this should be interesting.

I'm like an old man now. It's 9:19 and I am getting in bed. Sure I'll only be getting 6 hours of sleep even though I'm getting in bed stupidly early, but most people are just getting ready to go out. *bucks has single handedly ruined my "social life" (which is put in parenthesis because it is arguable whether or not I had one in the first place), my sleep, my eating habits, my caffeine consumption, and my view of the *bucks going masses. In other words, I'm like a little, bitter old man now who just sits on a park bench with his cane and rambles to himself about how stupid everyone is even though nothing bad has really happened.

When I'm old, I'll probably start guilt-trip stories with, "That's nothing...when I was a kid, and worked at *bucks..."

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