Sunday, June 16, 2002

His eyes dilated, letting in more of the scarce light that cascaded over her eyes and silhouetted her body. The tears caught some light, creating little convex worlds that slid down her face. He wondered when the headache would go away. This wasn't one of his migraines. This was something much worse.

"So, my sister..." Johnathan began in vain attempt at conversation. At smalltalk. At pillowtalk. At useless nothing. "...she uh, graduated from college."

Sniffling was all that came in reply.

"But she's kinda afraid of being done...she doesn't know what she wants to do next. She feels kinda lost." He trailed off realizing this hit much to close to home. Better to talk about the weather. Politics. Sex even. Anything but the future. "Speaking of college," he began again, until he realized that the tears had yet to cease. He never knew how to handle these situations. Maybe if he acted like it wasn't happening it would go away. "Listen...I need a drink."

Walking away from where she was sitting, Johnathan poured the first hard liquor he could find into a glass. He sighed heavily and felt a warm tear of his own slide down his cheek. He could remember when Leah had been nothing more than that popular girl. Now she was nothing more than that depressed girl. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the light which spilled out into the hallway, bright as the sun in the nearly pitch black apartment. Looking into the mirror he hardly recognized the face that looked back at him. He nearly expected that face to start talking to him. "Idiot. Nothing but a brainless idiot." He smashed his hand into the glass in a half-hearted fist.

"Johnathan?" Leah called his name softly. She almost preferred having him there to hold, even as silent as he was. The silence was brutal. Exhausting. Constant. For all she knew he had heard her call and was once more ignoring her.

Just ignore it he thought to himself as he cleaned the blood from the mirror.

Just ignore him she thought as new tears welled in her eyes.

Leah laid down and closed her eyes. Things will be ok in the morning, she thought furtively. Things will be ok in the morning

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