Saturday, September 14, 2002

Mr. Eggplant's nose is running...and it looks like he has contracted leprosy. Maybe I should explain. Our caffeteria likes using large fruits and vegetables as decoration. So we take that decoration. I got Aaron to steal an eggplant by telling him that I would turn it into eggplant man if he did. So I dug some eyes out and let Aaron make him a mouth. The finishing touch was a nail placed where his nose should be. His home is on top of my monitor next to the crow. After about a day his eyes started sinking in and little patches of decay started forming. Today his nose started dripping and he seems to be exuding a slight odor...but I can't tell if it's good or bad. Needless to say we're going to have to find a replacement for him sooner or later.

In other news, my amp died. Did you hear me? MY BASS AMP DIED!!! Sure it was merely a 25w amp that was often played at full volume to combat the drums, but still. It died, I felt like crying, and now I might have to sell my body on the street corner to get the money for the new amp I fell in love with. It's an incredibly nice, incredibly powerful, incredibly expensive stack. But soon I'll be $700 poorer...but OH so much richer in happiness. If anyone feels the need to direct money into the Grant-needs-money-for-his-amp fund, I would gladly set up a paypal button on my site. A mere $10 donation from 71 people and I'm all set! And we would gladly promote you/your product/your company/your singleness in our CD cover. You KNOW you wanna do it.

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