Friday, March 21, 2003

I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon (what is a bandwagon?) and talk about war. It seems that we're in the midst of war right now. Then again I don't consider dropping a bunch of bombs on a small country that has yet to retaliate in any way to be war. Anyway...Bush is considered to be a gun totin' Texas cowboy with the IQ of a cucumber (or maybe half a cucumber...half of an old cucumber)...Sadam Hussein (who's name I probably just mangled) is seen as the new Hitler, only with lots of look-alikes running around the country with fake mustaches on to attract the missiles...the United States is seen as the rebel child who is disobeying by going against all those in favor of diplomacy...all of our words or phrases that include "french" are now changed to "freedom" (would you like some freedom-roast coffee and some freedom-bread before you freedom-kiss your wife who is eating freedom-fries and freedom-toast?)...and we're on some kind of terror-alert where we're supposed to duct-tape plastic sheets over our windows and ventilation shafts in case of an anthrax attack (I wonder how much the duct-tape company paid for this one).

I don't know about you guys...but I'm not really for or against the war. I can sure see allot of reasons why going to war could suck:

-terrorists might start attacks
-civilians might (probably will) die
-the French will dislike us even more
-the draft could be which case I'm running away to Canada...or Australia (Crisp...could you put me up for a night or two?)

I almost feel bad for my complete lack of care for anything war related right now. I'm not waving my American flag (or lack there of), I'm not wearing a peace-symbol armband, I'm not going to protests, and I'm not even watching bombings on TV with an odd sense of detachment and an odd sense of Hollywood un-reality. I think that war is sometimes necessary, and all the time terrible. Then is having some doctor's finger up your bum.

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