Saturday, March 01, 2003

The past three nights have been a masochist's dream come true. That is if sleep were the one doing the hurting. Or, for more clarification, lack of sleep doing the hurting. More bluntly, I haven't been sleeping well. This didn't bother me too much since it has happened before and I just wait it out. But yesterday I went through the day with a slightly glazed look over my eyes and with a perpetual version of that feeling you get when you are woken up in the middle of REM sleep. I'm not a big advocate of drugs, other than the occasional advil to help a headache, but I decided to take the situation into my own hands. Well...actually...more like into the deft hands of the sleepytime friend called Tylenol PM. There are three possibilities as to what happened after said pills were popped. 1- Knowing how much effect placebos can have on the human body, I tricked myself into thinking that these pills worked insanely fast. 2- The pills started working at their normal speed, but my extreme exhaustion overtook me, making me think the pills were working. or 3- The pills worked insanely fast. Whatever the answer, I got really tired really fast. I noticed that my speech suddenly had a slight drawl and my body was moving in slow motion. This meant one thing...bed time. I crawled into my bed, which seemed more comfortable than ever before, and started drifting off with a smile on my face. Then a piercing electronic scream filled the air. I sat up, let out a swear word with my drug induced slur, and got dressed. As I was walking down the hall, I smelled burnt popcorn. Yeah, someone had been making popcorn and burned it. This is why I wasn't sleeping. Because of popcorn. Even better, it was the new guy who burned it. Needless to say I was the first person back inside, and immediately slithered back into bed. The moral of my story? Don't do drugs.

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