Thursday, September 11, 2003

Shaving 101 for the Depressed

I really don't like to stick on a topic. Or, for that matter, repeat a topic. I just have this huge problem. I talked about this problem on July 26th...but that was because of one person who was pissing me off. Now there are more people pissing me off. I talked about how much I disliked it when people would show off their pain. People who are in true pain, not a game of attention-tug-of-war, will do anything to hide that they are in pain. Let's just say that there is a difference in skinning your knee skateboarding and then showing it off to everyone, and slicing a blade into your skin and then taking pictures and showing it off on the internet. If you are in pain...write about about it....draw about it....whatever. But I was just perusing one of my favorite art haunts when I came across a picture of an arm with a message carved into it....blood dripping. There was a link to a website that this user was a part of. A pro self-mutilation site. In their words, not a site to encourage self-mutilation, but a site to discuss this problem it in a friendly atmosphere. Now, when I think of talking a problem over in a friendly atmosphere, I think of AA or something similar. But how helpful would a site be where alcoholics go to swap "I got SO plastered!" stories? Or to talk about their favorite alcohol? Or to talk about how they hide their drinking? Not too damn useful. Well helpful is a site where people who cut go to discuss how much they cut, or post pictures of their cutting, or talk about their favorite blades, or talk about how they hide their cuts so nobody can help them? Hmm....this is a tough one....I'm gonna have to think about it.............ok, thought about it....not too damn useful. And if ANYONE says that it's not thread was about what these people like to use to cut. Three or four were talking about techniques to get the blades out of disposable razors to cut. Then one girl responds with, "Oh...I've never thought about cutting with a disposable razor....maybe I'll try that." Great. Maybe it's not my place to talk....but people should keep their frickin self-mutilation techniques to themselves. These people aren't in real pain or they would try and stop....not make it sound fun for newcomers.

In other news....I spent the night eating éclairs and playing Track and Field for Nintendo. Oh man...too much fun.

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