Sunday, September 14, 2003

WITHERING Heights Is More Like It

Let me preface this by saying that I loathe Wuthering Heights. Whether it be the Bronte book, or the crappy crappy film representations of the crappy crappy book. Ok, that's going too far. Bronte has crafted an incredibly intricate book with Shakespeare worthy deaths, soap opera worthy betrayals, and a little creepiness thrown in for good measure. I still loathe it. But that's not to say I don’t respect it.

MTV respected Wuthering Heights too!

Cool new tagline: "It's 2003. Their love is still doomed."
Cool new website: COOL NEW WEBSITE!!!

Somebody...please...hand me a plastic fork. I must gouge out my eyes.

MTV has somehow taken a classic and turned it into the story of a scroungy acoustic guitar toting mutt who falls in love with that girl from Traffic, but their love is doomed because a high class Cello playing pussy offers her money, so she goes with him as the mutt takes advantage of the pussy's sister to become a famous rock star to try and get Traffic girl's respect, which pretty much works because she cheats on the pussy with the mutt and then gets pregnant and dies.

WHAT?!?! (or as the hip youngsters say....WTF!!!!1) (yes, the "1" is intentional)

There's no affair in WH (which is now what I am going to call "Wuthering Heights" because typing "Wuthering Heights" is a pain)
There's no crappy concert scene in WH
There's no drug induced party scene in WH
There's allot more plot in WH

And I could go on and on. All I have to say is this...if that piece of CRAP made it onto TV, I am going to be a millionaire someday.

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