Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Yeah...and I'm a Monkey's Uncle

There is this new study out, the largest and most complex of it's kind, to try and figure out if it's normal for men to want more sexual partners than women. And the result? Yes indeed...men are "hardwired" to be more promiscuous than women. Who woulda thunk it. It's evolution baby. That's right...we can take our shortcomings and blame them on our brains, or on nature, or on being less evolved than need be. Hooray for taking our problems and whoring them out on anything and everything but ourselves! Hip hip.....wait a minute. You mean people actually believe this? People actually think that because of testosterone, there is no way to avoid 'evolution' and therefore we men must follow out basic instincts to have as many sexual partners as possible?


I'm no scientist. In fact...I hate math. But this is easy. Seriously. In one hand you have women, who, if they are truthful to themselves, have just about the same sexual urges as men. BUT...here's the kicker...they are told they shouldn't think about sex. They are told that it's lady-like to be sexless beings who rise above base urges. In the other hand we have men, who, if they are truthful to themselves, have just about the same sexual urges as women. BUT...here's the kicker...they are told that they should be thinking about sex every 7 seconds. They are told that they should be pimps and players and should conquer women like objects. So let's simplify this: women want sex, but can't get it because they are told not to even think about it. men want sex, but can't get it because they are either trying to suppress their supposed sex-driven brains, or because women are told not to think about it and therefore won't give it.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not in any way saying that all the sex problems in the world are because "women...won't give it." But if men were to calm down for a second or two and realize that sex does not drive their lives, and women were to break free of the oppression of the Victorian lady stereotype, men and women would suddenly line up when it comes to sex.

Problem solved. Men feel fulfilled because they receive all the physical attention they need, therefore do not feel the need for many different partners.

Evolution=cop out

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