Friday, September 19, 2003

That's HILARIOUS...I'll Visit You in the Hospital


No, that's not a puzzle or word game. That's the truth. Think about it. Turn on any episode of Funniest Home Videos. Turn on any sitcom. Listen to any comedian. Think about the stories you tell when with your friends. Pain. 99%* of jokes deal with physical pain, insults, mocking others, emotional pain, mental pain, other's pain, etc. Next time you are listening to a comedian or watching TV...count the laughable points and then see how many of those are pain related.

To try and prove my point...I went to and went to their random joke section. I will see how many in a row are about pain:

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Q: What do a Texas tornado and a Tennessee divorce have in common?
A: Someone is going to lose a trailer.
----mocking/other's pain

Yo mama is like a Big Mac, full of fat and only worth a buck

Q. What did George W Bush get on his SAT's?
A. Drool.

Q. Why do women have sex with their eyes closed?
A. Because they can't stand seeing a man having a good time!

Q. What do blondes and beer bottles have in common?
A. They're both empty from the neck up!

Ok...this is getting old. How about I turn on Funniest Home Videos and see how many have to do with pain? Here we go:

-montage of people falling
-kangaroo kicks man in crotch
-baby falls off bed
-man cries at wedding
-man gets lit on fire by his grill
-man falls out of tree
-dog knocks over another dog
-kids hit mom instead of pi?ata

Ok...this is also getting old. I think I've made my point. Except for puns, and the minority of laughable points in life, humor and pain are synonymous. That's all I have to say.

By the way...I bled today...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

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