Thursday, August 01, 2002

Everyone wants what they can't have. Even if those who have what they want explain why it's not so great. Think about it. Those with over-protective parents always want parents who never ask any questions. Those with "uncaring" parents always want parents who show concern...even if it is constant. (I have the over-protective kind, and of course wish I did not). Girls with large chests always want smaller chests. Those with small chests always want larger chests. (and if you think I'm just guessing, I've talked to many girls about this. I personally side with the larger breasted girls...smaller is better...though nobody ever believes me). Those with nothing to do always want busier lives. Those with busy lives always want more down time. So um...yeah...I swear I was going somewhere with this. Nevermind...I'm going to work out because I want large muscles...even though I've been told it's not that great.

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