Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Birthday Fun for Everyone

The deed is done. I'm 21. And no, I didn't mean for that to sound like a poem (or I did and am just too ashamed to let it be known). Now I know that the question on all of your minds is, "Did you get totally sloshed?" And the answer is...if by sloshed you mean drinking 3/4 of a Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade and a small glass of port, then by golly, I got sloshed as nobody has gotten sloshed before. The truth of the matter is that I just really like saying the word "sloshed." Then again, I am merely typing it, not saying it...but you can imagine (if you want to) that I am sitting next to you, saying all that you are now reading; and in that case I would be actually vocalizing the word "sloshed" and then my point about saying it would not be lost. All in all, I got my first "I'm-gonna-be-in-public-with-alcohol-so-I'm-gonna-need-a-brown-paper-bag" brown paper bag, I watched Ahhhnold become the Govenator, I tried to teach a bunch of highschool punks about labeling tapes, I got some cash and some gift cards, and I had someone I have never talked to before tell me happy birthday. It was a pretty damned good day.

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