Monday, October 20, 2003

Tobacco is...sigh

I don't want to say anything bad about advertising aimed at stopping epidemic problems in our world. I do, however, have a problem if that advertising just plain sucks. Have you seen the recent anti-smoking ads? No, not the Truth ads, the Tobacco is Whacko ads. Seriously....what the hell is that?!? Not only does this seem like a resurgence of the 50's how-to films (LSD: A Good Trip or A Bad Choice?), but whoever created this piece of crap somehow overlooked something very easy to see: they are promoting smoking. Tobacco is Whacko....IF YOU'RE A TEEN. Hmm...let's think about this...if tobacco is a bad idea (if "whacko" even = "bad".....the dictionary says whacko means I guess smoking makes you eccentric) when you are a teen, then by contrast, tobacco is a totally great idea if you're an adult! Yay tobacco! Yay for 1 in 3 people who smoke dying! Yay for innocents dying through second hand smoke! Oh oh...wait...but not if you're a teen. You'd better wait till you're 18...THEN you can join the deadly fun!

I hate this world.

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