Saturday, October 25, 2003

Kill Bill's a Killer Film

So I went to see Kill Bill tonight. It was kind of spur of the moment, deciding to go see a movie by myself at 10:30 a night. I coaxed Ed to go along with me so I wouldn't have to get lost (I'm kidding...although maybe I'm not since I am THE WORST PERSON WITH DIRECTIONS EVER) We missed the first 30 seconds, but that's ok...what I did see was amazing. And did you know that gore is effective mainly because of color? Well...if you see this film you will understand. Take away the color, and you take away much of the queasy turn-your-head-because-another-limb-is-being-hewn-off effect. Not only do I have more respect for Uma Thurman (sp?) now, but I have even MORE respect for good ol' Quentin (sp?) Go see it,'s more than worth the 9.50.

We walked out of the theatre and were confronted with a heavy heavy fog. No, it was really amazing. I haven't seen fog like this in years...if ever. We were doing 25 on major streets, barely being able to see 15 feet in front of the car. And that was with street lights blaring. On the side streets by our house it was so dark that stop signs would pop out at you 5 feet away. There would be no warning if someone walked out in front of the car. It was so heavy that you could feel it when you walked through it, couldn't see past it, and could smell and taste it. Gosh I love fog.

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