Tuesday, January 29, 2002

listening to...nothing...hmm...that's odd
feeling sporadic, but too tired to do anything about it

um...so this is supposed to be me? I guess? Whatever.

It has been over 2 months since Ed has updated his page. So I'm not even sure why I'm giving you a link to go there. Maybe if you all go and say, "HEY...update your page fool!" he would.

Aaron on the other hand just updated. And he even has some nifty pictures. Like one of me with a coke box on my head with an eyeslit. Yeah, don't ask. So go to his page and tell him to update more.

Me...I'm pretty good at updating ::pats self on back:: and will try and continue to update. Even when I have nothing to say. Hehe...like always. But now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't update if I have nothing to say. In fact...maybe my WHOLE website is just here for my own amusement and is just taking away my attention from more important things. MAYBE this website will be my DEMISE!!! (uh...did I spell that right?). Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Yeah...probably.

I have bad news everyone. The guy who I share my mailbox with...is dead. Or so I assume. But then again I assumed that my friend Kevin was dead and in all reality he was live and kicking. But here is why I made this assumption. We were given mailboxes at the beginning of the schoolyear...and everyone shares with at least one other person. Aaron shares with some guy who gets Maxim magazine...to read the articles...I'm sure. But this guy named Ryan shares a mailbox with me...but has yet to get his mail since the beginning of the school year. He even has two personal cards...a Christmas card and a Halloween card (um...who gives cards on Halloween?). So he has like 10 letters piled up and he won't get them. Even a phone bill or two. And if he WAS alive...I'm sure his mom or whoever sent those cards would be like, "Hey Ryan, did you get the letters I sent you?" And then he would get them. But that has yet to happen...therefore proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that Ryan is dead. Oh well.

I sincerely do not understand how someone could walk into a room of 30 people he/she has never met before, strip down, and stand on a pedestal in the middle of class for everyone to try and draw. I mean...could YOU do that? I surely couldn't. Maybe it's just my lack of extremely high self-esteem...but I had enough trouble changing in the locker room in front of other people...so I think that it would be impossible to get naked and have people scrutinize my every flaw. So as you can probably guess I'm in an art class where we are going to be drawing models. I'm just trying to figure out their mindset. It's not working.

In fact...here is what you would see if I was a model for an art class:

AHHH!!! Photoshop just gave me an error that said photoshop could not continue because of hardware failure...then said, "sorry, this error is unrecoverable." AHHHH!

So I have another incredibly busy day tomorrow...which will probably include more tedious tedious tedious work. And did I mention that it's tedious? Ah...the life of an editor. I think I will go crazy. But I have a little less on my mind which is good. I got my karate pants today for Aikido. Aaron found some wholesale martial arts dealer place and we asked for some uniforms and got them at quite the discounted price. Especially since online it was like $30 shipping and handeling. And now I feel like a cool martial arts guy again. I mean...it's been a while since my tae kwon doe days...but it was kind of fun in retrospect...and the hard work was worth it.

Time to go. I need to do something productive again...like do that reading that I'm supposed to do for my english class tomorrow. That might be a smart idea. But since when I did I do things because they were smart to do? Ha...I live off of whims and split second decisions!!! Ok..so that was a lie. Gosh, I need more excitement in my life. I think I'll go and find it. Bye or now.

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